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Iesus Nazarenus
Art Size : 48 X 36 X 1.5 inch
Artist Name : GUSCOLORS
Category : Acrylic Painting
Price $3500
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GusColors original acrylic on canvas. This piece is titled "Iesus Nazarenus" - latin for Jesus of Nazareth. This piece shows an image of christ with the words "Ars longa, Vita brevis" which translates to " Life is short, art is forever." Jesus in his own way was an artist, whose words and life still resonate to this day not only in a religious sense but in a historical one as well. Shining behind his head is the GusColors sun present in all of his works. Within it the inscription INRI which stands for Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum - "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" originally placed over his head when he was crucified.